30 April 2009

Thursday, day 11

Weight: 132.8lbs

Sleep: 6 hours. Laid down but couldn't sleep until 0130 or so. Thinking too much again!


0800: Panera - sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich, 16oz coffee + 4 tbsp milk, 22oz milk

1200: 2oz jerky, 1/2 cup macadamia nuts

1400: Red Mango - medium original + mango + strawberries

1630: Great Northwest Soup Company - 1 cup beef minestrone, 1/2 BLT

1730: handful of macadamia nuts

2030: 8oz chicken + lemon, salt and pepper, 3oz asparagus, 1/2 cup mashed potatoes

2200: 1 pint milk, 1 peach, 3/4 large orange

WOD: rest

Allergies are officially in and KICKING my ass.

29 April 2009

Day 10

Weight: Do I even want to know?

Sleep: 8 hours. Laid in bed around midnight, but couldn't sleep until 0330 in the morning. Thinking too much..


1300: maybe 4 oz tuna + 3 tbsp mayo, 1 tuna melt (2 oz tuna + mayo, 2 oz cheddar, 2 pieces white bread)

1330: Sushiland - 6 pieces tamago, 6 pieces seared salmon, 1 piece of something, 2 piece salmon sushi

1400: Cold Stone - "Love It" sized cheesecake ice cream + strawberries

1500: 16oz coffee + 3tbsp milk + 2 packets sugar.

1800: 1 pint cream-top chocolate milk

2100: 2oz beef jerky, 3/4 cup macadamia nuts

2300: 8oz pepperonata

0000: 1 cup milk

WOD: 1630 @ Urban CrossFit

warm up = 1 rd CFWU, dynamic movements, backsquat 5 reps of 20kg, 60kg

Backsquat 110kg x 5 reps x 3 sets
Bench Press
60kg x 5 reps x 3 sets
Deadlift 100kg x 5 reps, 140kg x 5 reps, 142kg x 3 ugly reps, 100kg x 5 reps

28 April 2009

Tuesday day 9

Weight: 131.4lbs - I'm not eating enough. It sucks being poor.

Sleep: 8.5 hours


1300: maybe 4 oz tuna + 3 tbsp mayo, 1 tuna melt (2 oz tuna + mayo, 2 oz cheddar, 2 pieces white bread)

1930: Mori - 4oz teriyaki chicken, 1oz crab/cucumber salad, 1/3 of a green salad, 3 oz tempura vegetables (+ a little of shrimp), 4 oz rice, 1/2 medium orange

2100: 1 pint milk

WOD: rest

27 April 2009

Monday, day 8

Weight: 134.6lbs

Sleep: 9 hours


1200: 2oz cheddar cheese

1400: 6 mini Primal Meatloaf + 1 cup marinara.

2100: 1/3 of a quesadilla, 1/2 rack of ribs, 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup pineapple juice

2330: 1 pint milk

I made half the batch into muffin pans. Sweet stuff. Instead of 2 apples, I used one large one and 1 cup unsweetened applesauce. Should've made them into meatballs instead (pan-sear then bake). When they were done cooking, there was a lot of liquid left in the pans. So next time I know what I'll do.

WOD: 1600 @ Urban CrossFit

Backsquat 108kg x 5 reps x 3 sets
56kg x 5 reps x 3 sets
Weighted Pullups, 7.5kg: 13-8-8

Backsquats went well. Felt sticky the last couple of reps each set, but I think it's the lack of experience on the last 3/4 of the lift with heavy weight. Assistance exercise is definitely in need. Presses went well and I didn't fail on any, but I guess my grip needs correcting. Weighted pullups went up well, but my hands, and more specifically, my finger joints felt crazy.

26 April 2009


Oh. Shit.


part 1

part 2

Thanks to Marco via Facebook

Sunday, day 7

Weight: 134.4lbs

Sleep: 8 hours +


1100: a chocolate chip cookie

1200: 4 eggs + 2 oz cheddar + 1 tbsp bacon fat, 1.5 cups garlic sausage marinara, 1/2 cup pineapple + juice

1400: 1/2 cup pineapple + juice

1930: Qdoba - 1 chicken quesadilla, chips & pico de gallo, some raspberry iced tea

2230: 1 pint Honeymoon beer. I agree that the beer isn't shitty, but it's not good either.

WOD: 2100 @ home
1) Pick one body weight exercise - Push Ups (as an example)
2) Do 3 reps and rest 10 seconds then 3 more reps…repeat
3) When it becomes tough to do 3 reps, extend the rest time to 20 seconds
4) When it becomes to tough to get 3 reps, extend rest time to 30 seconds
5) Keep doing this exercise for 15 minutes straight. As soon as it gets tough to complete 3 reps add another 10 seconds to the rest time in between sets.

Make sure to avoid failure on all of your sets, but push yourself. By avoiding failure, you are limiting fatigue and you will get in more sets and reps in the 15 minute period.
5 rds of 5 reps + 10sec rest, then 36 rds of 3 reps + 10sec rest =
133 honest, perfect/good form pushups

Not looking forward to heavy weights tomorrow, my legs are so far gone from yesterday.

day 6

Weight: 137.2lbs

Sleep: 8 hours


1200: 3 tbsp peanut butter, handful of almonds, 1 snack cheese (cheddar)

1230 - 1800: 20oz crackwater (Coca Cola)

1430: Literacy Laps - assorted fruits: mango, strawberries, canteloupe, grapes, a 20oz gatorade (haven't finished it yet), 2 oz jerky

1700: 8oz chicken breasts + 2tbsp olive oil + 2 cups marinara

2000: 2oz jerky, 1 pint milk + 2 scoops Bryer's vanilla

WOD: @ Cleveland High School playfield

4 rds for time:
400m run
50 squats


Never did this WOD before. Every 400m gets "heavier" and running form starts suffering. Great feeling in the legs though. This definitely coupled with the training I've been doing BLEW my legs up. They look thick (in a good way).

24 April 2009

day 5

Weight: ?

Sleep: 8 hours or so


1000: 2oz beef jerky

1200: 12oz coffee + 1tbsp sugar + plenty of milk, 1oz turkey jerky

1500-1630: 24oz milk, 3oz beef jerky, a couple of nuts

2000: Kona Kitchen - plate of fried rice + 2 sunnyside-up eggs

2115: a slice of cake (shit, frosted shit and strawberries)

2230 - 0130: 2 vodka + cranberry, gin & tonic, vodka redbull, shot of tequila

0200: "Swiss Dog" + extra ground beef

WOD: was supposed to, but too many people came in for their pictures

23 April 2009

day 4

Weight: 135.3lbs

Sleep: 8 hours.


1000: 1 pint raw milk, 4 eggs + 2 oz cheddar + 2 tbsp olive oil

1300: 1 pint raw milk

1330: 8tbsp peanut butter, handfuls of raw sunflower seeds

1500: half an orange, some nuts, some seeds

1930: 10oz chicken breasts + 2 tbsp olive oil + 2 cups marinara

2200: 1 pint raw milk

WOD: rest

Best I Ever Had (Acoustic)

from Drizzy!

Don't have the orignal? Now you do.

22 April 2009

day 3

Weight: 133lbs

Sleep: 9 hours. Yes (again).


1000: 1 pint raw milk

1200: 1oz beef jerky, 2 big ass strawberries

1500: Qdoba - chicken burrito

1800: 2oz beef jerky, 1 pint milk

2000: 1 pint raw milk

2100: pork pepperonata, 1 glass wine, 6 strawberries

2200: 3 bites of mashed potatoes- really funny story behind this too.

WOD: 1645 @ Urban CrossFit

warmup was 50 double unders, squat/hips stretch, 5 empty bar squats, 5 135lbs squats

Back Squat 5-5-5 @ 105kg first set, 107kg second and third
Bench Press 5-5-5 @ 60kg first set, 65 second and third
Deadlift 1 set of 5 @ 100kg, 1 rep @ 140kg, three-false starts @ 145kg

Felt good with the squats, but the last reps in each were a little tough probably due to being out of routine for so long. Bench press was EASY. Will have to find my 5-rep max so I can do that a little better, even though my arms were shaky throughout. Deadlift sucked because Craig suggested changing my start position. Need to start lifting my chest as oppossed to sitting lower and doing a heavy back extension.

Review: PCC Beef Jerky

As many of you know, my nutrition is based on the Paleo diet and one of the best snacks to have is jerky. The problem is that most commercial stuff contains so many extra shit and preservatives that the health benefit is muted. Because of this I'm going to attempt to find the best jerky around.


PCC Beef Jerky - Original

Where to buy: PCC Natural Markets
Cost: $5.99 for 4oz
Nutrition facts:
serving size 1oz
servings per container: 4
cal 90
total fat 1.5g
sodium 380mg
total CHO 7g, sugar 7g
protein 11g
Ingredients: beef, sugar, water, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, salt, flavorings (wtf?), paprika, natural smoke flavor, citric acid

Tastes good, a nice balance of sweet and salty and some pieces aren't too chewy- just like I like it. It's moist and has a bit of sauce of left on some pieces, which I love. Says it's best if consumed within 3 days, which is good because then there isn't really any preservatives (some food products advertise no preservatives but can last for weeks on end). Made somewhere in Idaho.

Me likes! And now I need some more macadamia nuts!

21 April 2009

Day 2

Weight: 133.8 lbs

Sleep: 6.5 hours.


0800: 4 eggs + 2 tbsp olive oil + 2 oz cheddar cheese

0900: a pint of milk

1200: 8tbsp of peanut butter

1500: half of a large orange

2030: an obscene amount of strawberries

2100: two 4oz chicken breasts + 3tbsp olive oil + 2 cups tomato basil marinara

2200: a bunch more strawberries, 1 pint milk

Safeway is selling some mutated humungo strawberries that are ever so sweet. Someone dropped crack in the field mine were from.

Hulk crackberry on the left, my big head in the middle, a normal-sized strawberry on the right.

WOD: rest!

20 April 2009

Get Right For Summer: Day 1

Weight: 133lbs

Sleep: 9 hours. Yes (again).


1100: 1 pint milk, 1 orange, handful or sunflower seeds

1430: handful of sunflower seeds, 1 pint milk, 1oz beef jerky, 10 macadamia nuts, handful of dried cranberries

1730: 1 cup milk

1800-1900: 1 large braeburn apple, some jerky, various nuts

2130: two 5oz pork loin chops, 1 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1/2 cup broccoli

2230: 1 glass of wine

WOD: 1630 @ Urban CrossFit

CFWU x 2

Back Squat 5-5-5 @ 105kg
Press 5-5-5 @ 55kg
Weighted Pullups @ 5kg, 12-11-8

Squats were a little tough due to lack of mental self-confidence. Didn't finish the 5th rep in my first two sets of the press due to lack of form. Pullups felt fine.

19 April 2009

LOG: 19APR09 - Keys to the new Joint!

Weight: 133.2lbs

Sleep: 8 hours. Yes.


1730: 1 large braeburn apple

1830: 9oz tilapia fillet + onions + lemon + a bit of soy sauce, broccolli, rice

2030: Sunchips

2130: Qdoba - half of a chicken quesadilla, McDonald's (!) - a hot fudge sundae

What?! It's the day before the challenge and I wanted some carbs and sweets. Midnight and I'm straight until 0000 the 25th!

WOD: rest

Picked up the keys to the new location today. Oh yeah.

18 April 2009

LOG: 18APR09

Weight: 140lbs. DAMN. This has to be wrong because I used a scale at CrossFit Seattle? Was it what I ate yesterday?

Sleep: 5 hours total, I think. Kept waking up randomly.


1000: 3 eggs, toast with 2 tbsp white chocolate peanut butter, 8oz water

1230: 16oz coffee + 2tsbp sugar + 1oz milk

1330: Pho Cyclo - small bowl of flank and steak pho + 24oz water

1500: Cafe Vita - 12oz mocha

1700: 1 small apple

2100: Stanfords - HH mac & cheese, HH chicken tenderloins, fries

WOD: rest

LOG: 17APR09 - M's Game

Weight: 134.8lbs (after breakfast, wearing clothes)

Sleep: 6.5 hours


0730: 1/3 of a pepperoni & sausage pizza, 1 large braeburn apple

1000: 16oz coffee + 4 tbsp whole milk

1300: xtra lrg Paleo Kit

1400: Panera -
1/2 turkey sandwich, 1/2 fuji chicke apple salad, 24oz Pepsi (boo!)

1600: 32oz water

1700 - 2200: Pyramid Alehouse, Safeco Field - four 16oz beers, garlic fries, kettlecorn

WOD: 1100 @ Greenwood Park

amrap in 15 min:
10 pullups
10 pushups
200m run

9 rds

Sprinted the last 80m in the last 10 seconds to finish it out

17 April 2009

Losing the magic


Very interesting.

16 April 2009

LOG: 16APR09

Weight: 130.8lbs

Sleep: 6 hours. Couldn't get to sleep last night, thinking too much.


0030: 2 oz Tillamook cheddar, 1 large orange

0730: 3 eggs + 1 oz Tillamook cheddar + 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 pint raw milk, 3 strawberries

1300: 1 pint raw milk

1330: 1 mug coffee + 3 tbsp half and half

1800: 1/2 cup macadamia nuts

2200: 1/2 of a pepperoni & sausage pizza, 1 pint raw milk

WOD: rest

Legs are so sore right now. My adductors too. Haven't felt like this in a while (=

15 April 2009

LOG: 15APR09, Back Squats

Weight: 133.1lbs

Sleep: 8.5 hours


1000: 4 eggs, scrambled + 2 tbsp olive oil, 10 strawberries

1230: 2 oz beef jerkey, 10 macadamia nuts, 1 oz dried cranberries, handful of raw sunflower seeds

1700: 1 pint raw milk, 1 oz dried cranberries, 2 oz beef jerky

2100: Taco del Mar - 1 FREE chicken taco, 1 mondito chicken burrito, 1 pint Blue Moon


Back Squat 5-5-5 @ 225lbs

Great set. Felt strong thanks to Craig's advice and his "suck it up buttercup" attitude towards me. Back squat technique looks a little better. Last squats were in March, but I don't count that workout since it wasn't in a regular regimen. Here's my middle set:

Back to Backsquats from ABueno on Vimeo.

LOG: 14APR09

Weight: 132.4lbs

Sleep: 8 hours


1100: 4 eggs, scrambled

1500: Panera - 8oz chicken noodle soup, 1/2 fuji apple chicken salad

1930: Northgate Taco Truck - 5 chicken burritos + radish, carrots, lime

WOD: rest

13 April 2009

LOG: 13APR09

I renamed the label to be more fitting since I'm including way more than just my workouts.


Sleep: 7 hours + 2 hour naps


1400: pb&j sandwich

2000: 10 mozarella ravioli + 1 cup marinara

2100: 1 pint milk

WOD: 1800

5 rds for time:
20 waiter's walking lunge, 16kg
30 kbs, 16kg

12:27 (PR)

Previous times were on 29DEC09 and 05FEB09, although the latter was the heavier version of the workout.

Wale x Colin Munroe

Wednesday, April 29th @ 8pm. Neumos and Obese Productions present the "Attention Deficit Tour" with Colin Muroe and Wale (featuring the Legendary Go-Go Band UCB).

Don't know either? Get familiar:

Colin Munroe - I Want Those Flashing Lights

Colin Munroe - I'm Fine (feat. Young Buck)

Colin Munroe - Will I Stay (feat. Wale)

Wale - W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E

Wale - Nike Boots

They both have some great mixtapes out online and both are great artists. Definitely a show to be present at if you like dope music. Tickets on sale now at: www.ticketswest.com, Rudy's Barbershops, Moe Bar, select QFCs [Buy Tickets Online].

12 April 2009

"Hometown Glory" - Adele

It's been a nice couple of days- I got to catch up with some of my favorite people. Spent quality time with Shakira, Nicole Diva and Jeni, convincing two of them to get up on Twitter. Missed out on Janelle, but hopefully we'll meet up soon enough. Ah life and it's mysteries.

I've had Blue Moon to end each night for the past three nights.. Good times, it's about to be over though..

11 April 2009


Ran a workout yesterday and demonstrated a couple of things, but my biceps are SORE from all those pullups. Damn I'm weak right now.

Good news that I'm up to 130 lbs now- although I'm sure it's the high carbohydrate intake I've adopted the past two weeks. This coming Monday will be the start of Operation: Healthy Andrew. Six weeks of strength training to regain my CrossFit-ness, get my body back to where I like it, and a healthy weight.

The gym should be open, I should be back into my own place, and I should be focused once again with life!

Ooh the excitement..

Hail Yees.

I want this now... Sorry Flip HD!

Nicole Diva would say that this colorway matches me.
In July, you'll be able to buy the DXG-125V, which shoots 720p video using H.264 compression along with 3 MP still pics, for less than a C-note. Not only is the slab-shaped model cheap (its official price is $99.99 but you'll probably be able to find it for around $90), it's also waterproof, which means it's perfect for shooting action on the ski slopes, beach and while yachting. It comes in red, military olive and winter camouflage, and all come with a lanyard with a compass attached and run on a lithium-ion rechargeable battery. You'll have to buy an SD card to start recording.
Boo, no image stabilization. Still, $100? Consider it bought.


10 April 2009


of one of the most classic jams ever:

Eminem's new single

"We Made You", the new single from Eminem, features an awesome depiction:

08 April 2009

Not sleeping again..

I've been laying in bed for 2 hours now, trying to get some sleep, but I can't sleep. Ugh- I thought eveything was getting better and brighter for me, but here I am with another emo-esque post.

At least I can blog from my BlackBerry now thanks to Opera

05 April 2009


btw, @TurboGeek.

Bumbershoot 2009 Sneak Peak Lineup

Sheryl Crow / Modest Mouse / Katy Perry / Michael Franti & Spearhead / De La Soul / Raphael Saadiq / Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan / The Long Winters / Sly & Robbie & the Taxi Gang / World Party / MSTRKRFT / Roy Ayers / Common Market / UH HUH HER / Dave Alvin and The Guilty Women / Eric Hutchinson / No Age / Matt & Kim / Dead Confederate / The Cave Singers / Swollen Members / Vieux Farka Touré / Lenka / Gang Gang Dance / Todd Snider / Holy F**k / DJ Spooky / Iglu & Hartly / Low vs Diamond / Sera Cahoone / Eleni Mandell / Carrie Rodriguez / The Honey Brothers / Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head / Extra Golden / Cordero / Forgive Durden / Hey Marseilles / Adrian Xavier, and much, much more to be announced.
Hey look! I think everyone here has been at Bumbershoot before! Muahaha.

The real lineup better be better. I'm a De La fan, but damn if I don't get someone more in "their time". Glad to see Raphael Saadiq there since I missed him the first time around.


i fucking hate groupies. what the hell.

01 April 2009


BW = 129.8lbs

Sleep = 9 hours

Nutrition =

1230: 6oz hot water + 1 oz apple cider vinegar

1300: 2 tbsp olive oil + 5 eggs + 1 oz milk. 1 large orange

1630: 1 pint milk

WOD = rest

Project: Andrew 2009

Seeing as it's the first day of the month, it'd be a good time to start something new (and it's not a joke).

Because of my recent HUGE drop in weight (I'm 15 lbs under my normal weight), I'm going to start recording my health status daily ala Craig (Urban CrossFit):

BW = Bodyweight (in the morning, with the least amount of clothing on)

Sleep = Hours of sleep

Nutrition = When and What I've eaten during the day. I'm attempting to get back to Paleo, starting at 3 days/wk strict and build up as we enter summer. I'm going to live life and enjoy what I want to enjoy- but hopefully just on the weekends.

WOD = Workout of the Day, if any. I'll also leave notes as to how I felt, previous performances and other details.

My goal is to hit my weight, look healthy and most importantly, FEEL healthy and happy. Here we go...

Last sleep's dream

Ok. This was weird. When I do dream, it's always funky and RARELY sensible.

I just remember being an uncle (though I'm still the same age) to two kids and I live in CJ's house from GTA: SA but it was all real like. I had a niece and a younger nephew. She grew up taking care of him and she had this shitty car that she'd drive everywhere. When they were at school I purchased some older car, but it was a strong muscle car with a lot of potential. They came home and I suprised them and my niece loved it. They drove off and I went elsewhere.

Then I blanked.

The next thing I remember was being at the bottom of this big-hilled neighborhood (downtown Kent?). Anywho I was with my best friend Dan and two others that I can't remember. We were in some house all of a sudden with a girl I grew up with and used to be so infactuated with who we'll call "Gwen". We were chatting and then it started snowing outside. I somehow endedup in the woods and it was dark. I was wandering for what felt like a good five minutes and then found a big mag-light. I put it in my back pocket. I found a road in the middle woods that led to some houses. Everything was blacked out and some people were in a mini frenzy. I found that car that I had purchased for my niece and started pushing it to get back to wherever the hell I was with Dan, Gwen and the others. The car was too much for me and I pushed it to the side of the road with other stranded (and abandoned) vehicles. I found my way onto some smaller train within the woods again and using my flashlight I found some big redhead girl on a motorbike. We didn't speak a word, but we felt like we wanted to help each other. I started lighting the way with the mag and she rode in front of me. I somehow kept up with the motorbike just running. Eventually we arrived back into civilation and I went inside this resort-esque looking cabin. I ran to this big underside of a flip flop to hug it and then it turned into a girl I dated who we'll call Ruby. Ruby and I kissed and she was saying how she was worried and scared and relieved I was okay. Dan and I shook hands and I couldn't help but feel people were blowing this "storm" out of proportion. Ruby and I walked around outside where it was snowing lightly and then I blanked again.

The final part of my dream was me running around the bottom of the hill again looking for the girl I'm seeing right now who we'll call Elle. I was panicked and running around. There was a huge dragon-type monster blocking me from her. I somehow fought the dragon and beat it down with just my fists. She ran up and hugged me (in good ol' cinema fashion) and we kissed. She sat me down and looked over my wounds. I was all bloodied, but not seriously injured. My "little brother" Mikey came out of nowhere and helped me back into that cabin where Dan, Gwen, Ruby, Mikey, my niece and nephew and Elle were all standing there looking down at me as I laid on a couch, resting. I passed out..

.. and that was my dream.

I have my own theories where some of these factors came from, but this was straight up ODD. I never remember dreams and these many situations in this kind of detail. Check the comments.