When it comes to health problems, I would have to say I get throat illnesses the most. For a long time I had constant GI problems. Sore throats would be indicative of soon-to-happen colds, heartburn, the lack of breathing through my nasal passages, more sore throats, and then there was that one time (Cinco de Mayo 2007) I had pharyngitis and ended up at the UW Med Center's ER. The problems were fixed and soon faded away as soon as I changed my nutrition- I went from sugary and acidic foods to finally balancing things out.
Recently with the colder weather I had taken up drinking hot cocoa and coffee again. I probably have about 4-6 mugs of coffee per morning and this week I've felt 'that feeling' over and over again. Even now, as I sit here, I think I COULD throw up. Not going to, but that's what it feels like. I need to start drinking more water and more tea again.
Luckily I am also doing quite well on the nutrition aspect of it all. I thought about posting everything here to the blog like Craig does, but that's waaay too much for me. I haven't simplified my meals that well yet. Soon, but not yet.
On a random side note, I started GTA: San Andreas again and I'm almost done with all the San Fierro missions.. Jet pack here I come!
This weather we've been having recently is ridiculous. These winds right now make me feel like I'm in that movie Twister and I'm going to see a cow fly by the window.
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