27 November 2009

Friday 27NOV2009

1930 @ FoundationCF


18 rds + 5, 10, 8

my pr is still 26 rds, but that's when i was working out regularly. (Chris) Irvine from XploreCF came by today. solid athlete. and Cedric is on the come up, especially after getting his kip.

Saturday 21NOV2009

~ 1300 @ CFBellevue for CrossFit 101 w/ Coach Glassman

tabata v-ups
tabata toes 2 bar
tabata abmat situps
tabata leg levers

move immediately to the next exercise. score = total reps.


this one hurt. none of my anterior chain wanted to work after the first interval of the t2b. how shitty. everyone was walking bent afterwards. minor rhabdo methinks. couldn't stand until yesterday the 26th.

Thursday 12NOV2009

for time:
21 "healthlifts", 100kg
42 wall ball shots, 20lbs
15 "healthlifts", 100kg
30 wall ball shots, 20lbs
9 "healthlifts", 100kg
18 wall ball shots, 20kg


Woo. Wall ball = one of my goats.
Clean food, open air and the company of friends and loved ones was a far better medicine both then and now.

16 November 2009

Tuesday 10NOV2009

"In Honor of Cory"
for time:
21 squat cleans, 60kg
42 clapping pushups
15 squat cleans, 60kg
30 clapping pushups
9 squat cleans, 60kg
18 clapping pushups


Did tabata superman holds beforehand. Probably not the best idea having to do this pre-WOD. Back started hurting while doing the front squat portion of the clean.

Saturday 07NOV2009

"CrossFit Total"


BS 285lbs, SP 145lbs, DL 360lbs

At Lynnwood CrossFit. Did alright for not preparing. Upset I didn't because some people there were WHACK. Great job to Mike and Max for their first CFT and setting PRs!

Wednesday 04NOV2009

21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 103kg
handstand pushups


Rx'ed. Had to go light last time. Did pretty well seeing as I haven't been consistent. I'm sure my form was ugly by the end. My PR still stands at 5:00.

Wednesday 28OCT2009

backsquat 5-5-5
press 5-5-5


Sunday 25OCT2009

Did this one at CrossFit Seattle with Jesse of Lynnwood CrossFit. We were there for a Brain-Voice seminar.

5 rds for max reps:
front squat, 196lbs
db floor press, 70lbs


(12/12, 6/6, 5/7, 6/7, 5/4)


Thursday 22OCT2009

Tony's BDAY

AMRAP 30min:
30 box jumps, 24"
30 kbs, 16kg
30 burpees

4 rds + 30, 30, 19

Only pushed myself because Tony had the lead for a while. Good stuff. Snot bubble towards the end. Nasty.

Friday 17OCT2009

5 rds for time:
15 clean & jerks, 20kg
30 clapping pushups
45 box jumps, 45"


Sandbagged a lot. Need to get on a proper plan because my muscular stamina and strength has decreased significantly. If I was up to par on my shit, I'd probably be able to do this in half the time.

Tuesday 06OCT2009

Press 5-5-5-5-5


Definitely could've gone heavier, buy played this safe! Want to rebuild my foundation properly.

Monday, 05OCT2009



Modified weight down to 80kg (176lbs). Did full HSPU.

11 November 2009

The Truth

Ignorance is bliss.