19 April 2010

Week 6

Monday 19APR2010

1030 @ Urban CF

BS 60 80 100 121
B 60 70 80 90
PC 40 60 70 80 85

Still playing the more narrow stance. Used a 4-minute rest today in between sets. Utilized the belt for the last set.

Bench press was wobbly, but doable. Still working on timing.

Started to jump back- need to jump up instead. Faster elbows and louder feet as well.

I was hoping to be up to 170# by this week (currently at 152#), but the eating part is hard for me. I haven't planned out my meals that well and it's been costing me a bunch. I really need to get a mini-fridge in the gym asap.

Week 5

Wednesday 14APR2010
1030 @ Urban CF

BS 60 85 95 119
P 20 30 40 53-54-54
DL 60 100 120 140 150

Craig made me narrow my stance for the backsquat. I let my hip go a couple of times, but at least I grasp the concept.

The nerves in my arms still fire off if I'm not careful of controlling the path of my elbows.

Failed 5th rep twice before using a belt. The bar should be held closer during these maximal efforts.

1200 @ Foundation CF

sled drags (15kg tire + 20kg bumper) uphill and back 3x
500m row 1:42 - Started off feeling strong as hell, then about 60 seconds in the conditioning got to me.
max standing box jump - 52"

12 April 2010

1130 @ Foundation CF

BS 60 85 95 117
B 60 70 80 89
hip ext 3x12 @ 50#
pullups @ 17kg (16kg kb + 1kg plate): 7 - 6 - 6

"They call me Jay Electronica. Fuck that ..."

This shirt is dope.


A bunch

Fri 19MAR2010

BS 20 60 80 97
B 20 60 80 84
max pullups x3: 15 @ 7.5kg, 8 , 7 @ 10kg
hip ext 3 x 12 @ 30#

Mon 22MAR2010

BS 20 40 90 98
P 20 30 40 47. Elbows need to stay in, otherwise I get some weird nerve twinge in the eccentric.
DL 60 80 100 120 140. MY BACK!

Wed 24MAR2010


BS 20 40 60 80 101
B 20 60 80 85
max pullups x3: 8, 9, 6 w/ 30# weight vest
hip ext 3 x 12 @ 35#


"Death By Pullups"


Fri 26MAR2010

BS 20 60 80 90 103. Squat was easy wearing Brady's Karhu's.
P 20 30 40 48. Focusing on elbows' movement mad it feel slow, but smooth.
PC 40 60 80 82. Janky. I'm not releasing the hook grip enough, so my rack position is ugly. Still need the intensity to land quicker and harder.

Mon 29MAR2010 @ Urban CF

BS 20 60 80 92 105
B 20 60 80 86
hip ext 3x12 @ 40#
pullups @ 16kg kb: 7-6-5

Used a 3 min rest in between worksets. Hip ext terrible as per usual.

Wed 31MAR2010

BS 20 60 80 95 107
P 20 30 40 49
DL 60 100 120 140 145

3 min rests. Lost balance in last squat set. Need to set my chest better before squatting. Still have some nerve pinch in press. I can also keep the bar closer in my deadlift. Lockout can improve as well.

Fri 02APR2010 @ Foundation CF

BS 20 60 85 95 109
B 20 60 80 87
PC 20 40 60 80 83

Finally got my Adidias lifting shoes! Lost my balance in my 2nd squat set. Didn't send my hips back enough. I missed my 5th rep on my second bench set. Last set felt the best, but I don't feel completely solid with the bench yet. Power cleans were shit until my last set where I was aggressive as hell.

Mon 05APR2010 @ Foundation CF

BS 20 60 85 95 111
P 20 30 40 50
hip ext 3x12 @ 45#

Squats didn't feel solid. Need to reach back.

Wed 07APR2010 @ Foundation CF

BS 60 85 95 113
B 60 70 80 88
DL 60 100 120 140 147

Still need to reach back further on the squats. This felt heavier and I attribute that to not eating properly. Shaky during second set of bench. Grip gets lost in DL.

Fri 09APR2010 @ Foundation CF

BS 20 60 85 95 115
P 20 30 40 50-51-52. Felt too easy so I moved up each working set.
PC 40 60 80 84


First off, Han Solo encased in carbonite soap? Yes please.

I was never really a big fan of the original TRON, but the sequel coming up is peaking my interest. This is good news seeing as I haven't been geeked for too many movies. The 2009 ComiCon trailer was great:

And the newer trailer is pretty awesome too.

Clu/Flynn and crew look badass

Sucks that it comes out in December. I want to see this in IMAX with the Daft Punk soundtrack pumping loud shit. They're filming parts of the movie in near IMAX presentation (meaning big-as-fuck picture).

Check out this dope fan-made trailer for the original TRON:

Also read this article about the TRON aesthetic.